A Happy New Year and a beautiful bouquet
Happy New Year! Hope everybody enjoyed their holidays. If you’re newly engaged congratulations and welcome to my little blog, do have a little nosey around for some wedding inspiration and advice both on my blog and my portfolio.
The beautiful bouquet above is by the lovely Steph of fairynuff flowers, photo by Olivia Leigh and is a little sneak peak of one my weddings from last year that I will be blogging soon…
Get in touch if you need a Creative Wedding Planner in London.
At Always Andri we are passionate about making your wedding day truly memorable. With 15 years of experience wedding planning in London, we specialise in creating a distinctive celebration of your love story while saving you a whole lot of time and stress.
If you’re ready to transform your wedding day vision into a reality, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch with us today to discuss your ideas and let us bring it to life. Visit our wedding planning services to explore how we can help you and view our portfolio of past weddings in London and the southeast.