

A design for an elegant wedding at Botleys Mansion

A design for an elegant wedding at Botleys Mansion

An Elegant Wedding at Botleys Mansion Following my last post on Serena & Matt's Botleys Mansion Wedding I thought I'd share with you a little about its elegant design. As part of my partial planning service Serena asked me to help her with the overall design...

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An elegant wedding at Botleys Mansion

An elegant wedding at Botleys Mansion

Botleys Mansion Wedding On a crisp September morning as the sun was shining I arrived at Botleys Mansion to coordinate Serena and Matt’s elegant wedding. Serena was getting ready in the wonderful bridal suite at Botleys with all her maids; a hive of activity as Mariam...

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A colourful summer wedding at Kew Gardens

A colourful summer wedding at Kew Gardens

A colourful Kew Garden Wedding Yesterday was the one year wedding anniversary of one of my lovely couples Anita and Thai, in celebration I wanted to share with you some of the fabulous photos from their wedding day. They had their wedding reception at Kew Gardens...

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A Spring Wedding Great Fosters Reception

A Spring Wedding Great Fosters Reception

A Great Fosters Wedding So last time we looked at Val and Dave’s lovely ceremony in London now we move onto the pretty wedding reception at Great Fosters. Despite the rain that fell most of the day Olivia still managed to get some beautiful portrait shots in the...

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A Spring Wedding London Ceremony

A Spring Wedding London Ceremony

Hampshire Wedding Planner - A Spring Wedding London Ceremony Last April I worked with the lovely Val and Dave from New York to plan their wedding in the UK. The ceremony took place at the stunning Church of the Immaculate Conception, in Mayfair, London followed by the...

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A Shoreditch House Wedding Party

A Shoreditch House Wedding Party

A Shoreditch House Wedding - In my last post I shared the photos from the London mehndi party that I coordinated, here are the photos from the wedding party they had the next day at Shoreditch House in East London. On the top floor overlooking the private pool there...

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A London Mehndi Party

A London Mehndi Party

In April we coordinated a 2 day wedding event: a colourful Mehndi housie party in Bloomsbury in London on the Saturday followed by a spring influenced wedding party at Shoreditch House in East London on the Sunday. Here are the stunning photos by Sarah Gawler of the...

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Real London Wedding Anne & Sebastian The Design Details

Real London Wedding Anne & Sebastian The Design Details

Working with Anne and Seb was great fun, they are a lovely couple but some might say very different interests so when putting the look of their wedding together we wanted to make sure both of them were represented. I started off by putting a couple of mood boards...

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Real London Wedding: Anne & Sebastian~The Reception

Real London Wedding: Anne & Sebastian~The Reception

After the ceremony in Tooting, Anne and Seb held their Reception at the Grand Connaught Rooms in London. As a child Anne’s sister had been to a wedding there and always remembered the grand staircase and following the recent renovations the Drawing Room and Edinburgh...

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