A to Z of Wedding Planning M for Marriage

Planning a wedding? I’m back again this week with my next video instalment of my A to Z of wedding planning, this week it’s M for Marriage.

No time to watch the video? Read the transcript below:

Hi, it’s Andri here again. This week from Always Andri Wedding Design I’m back again to talk about my A to Z wedding planning. So, this week it’s M, and there’s lots of things I could have spoken about. I was thinking about talking about M for makeup, but actually I decided to talk M for marriage.

Often, when you’re planning a wedding, I do feel like a bit of a broken record when I’m saying this actually. But, I can’t stress it enough, I just really want couples to not get so tied up in the wedding planning that they forget to think, or just focus on what’s really important, and what it’s all about is the marriage. Because that’s what ultimately you’re having this big wedding day, you’re marrying your life long partner, the person you want to spend your life with.

I’m also celebrating 16 years of marriage in a couple of weeks, me and my husband. We’re very happily married. There’s been ups, there’s been downs, but we’ve always been there for each other. And as amazing as our wedding day was, the marriage has been just as good, if not better, and often very much better. We’ve got a little boy, we’ve got a lovely home. Yeah, so really my tip today isn’t strictly wedding planning related, but kind of is. I just wanted you to focus on what it’s all for.

So, in those moments of stress and you’re like, “Ah, I wish we could just elope,” just bring it all back to what it’s all about. And it’s about you two, as a couple, going to get married and spending your lives together. And that for me I think is the really important thing. And you want your wedding day to be a celebration of your marriage and your future together, and that’s what it’s all about.

So, in the spirit of love and happiness, because I’m feeling all romantic, about to approach my wedding anniversary, I just wanted a little reminder today to not lose sight of what it’s all about. It’s about marrying the person you love, because that’s what really matters. So, that’s me for today, and I’ll see you next week. Bye.

Need some help and support with planning a wedding? Get in touch today to find out about my full wedding planning services– let’s give you more time to focus on being in love and getting married!  

At Always Andri we are passionate about making your wedding day truly memorable. With 15 years of experience wedding planning in London, we specialise in creating a distinctive celebration of your love story while saving you a whole lot of time and stress.

If you’re ready to transform your wedding day vision into a reality, we would love to hear from you. Get in touch with us today to discuss your ideas and let us bring it to life. Visit our wedding planning services to explore how we can help you and view our portfolio of past weddings in London and the southeast.

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